Legal Notice

Legal notice on Intellectual Property.

They are owned by Deck-Trade and are protected by Spanish law, European Union and international, all rights of intellectual property on this store and any of its contents were reserved for Deck-Trade its exclusive ownership for everybody and during the legal life of the same.
They understood ranging from such rights, by way of example and without limitation, any rights of intellectual property on texts, images, drawings, color combinations, audio and / or video, software files, buttons, trade marks, logos, slogans and designs, computer programs and their elements (source code, interfaces, applications, system developments ...), as well as the structure, design, selection, arrangement and presentation of any information and / or content on Deck-Trade .
Also, the content of Deck-Trade has the consideration of computer program and is subject to Spanish law, European Union and international force on the matter.
Is expressly prohibited, in any case, reproduction, copying, public communication, distribution, modification, transformation, removal, handling, and any other use, with or without profit, of all or part of this Online Store or any its contents, without the prior express written permission of Deck-Trade.
This prohibition extends to the technical protection devices, fingerprints and other information mechanisms related to the contents. The use of information of any kind obtained through Deck-Trade of any of its content or advertising purposes, promotional and / or commercial media of any kind is also specifically prohibited.
Notwithstanding the provisions above, certain contents of Deck-Trade belong to their respective owners and are used in Deck-Trade pursuant to a license or authorization from them.
Under no circumstances means that, for access to Deck-Trade, Customer any license or authorization Deck-Trade for the use, beyond strictly personal use, any content, information or service on Deck-Trade or any rights related to them, especially intellectual and industrial property.

Paviaktual Metrocuadrado S.L., domicilio social en Passeig de Gracia 55 3º 3ª 08007 Barcelona, CIF B-63581847 Registro Mercantil de Barcelona el dia 09/08/2004, Tomo 36790, Folio 118, Hoja B286506, Inscripcion 1ª Seccion 8. Contacto Tel. +34 635 727 014

"Online dispute resolution in accordance with Article 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which can be found at the following link: http: //ec.europa. I / consumers / odr /.